Synonym: at times, now and again, now and then, occasionally, on occasion, once in a while. Similar words: in no time, at no time, sometime, at other times, sometimes, at the same time, time, on time. Meaning: adv. now and then or here and there.

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121. My wife and I have difference of opinion from time to time.
122. However, sovereignty varies from time to time, demonstrates such three different theories as absoluteness, comparative and nihilism.
123. I love Charles Barkley like a brother, but we disagree from time to time.
124. "Nod gives them from time to time, " Cilia said. "It usually has to do with some new alert about the Annihilator that requires stricter security measures. Now we know what a fake that is.
125. Officials say some detainees go on and off hunger strike from time to time.
126. Even your old uncle Mally's paws wobble a bit from time to time.
127. Tall buildings in the central area, to my office location, overlooking the 13-story look at other buildings can be seen from time to time in the shuttle Scriptorium figure charming girls.
128. Be good to yourself—take frequent breaks from time to time. Give your mind a rest so you stay fresh throughout the painting.
129. Entrance Fee and Annual Subscription will be subject to revision from time to time.
130. But "the hostile part can be mobilized from time to time," by what he calls "anti-immigrant entrepreneurs.
131. A small walk from time to time could cmake you feel invigorated and refreshed.
132. From time to time he will take on a new persona.
133. From time to time there were sudden explosions of a southeast wind.
134. Some stars of the constellation black out from time to time.
135. He'd probably give me disapproving look that I'd seen in Mom's eyes from time to time.
136. CERES may require residue analyses for spray mixtures from time to time.
137. There are people from time to time and exhilarating bursts of fragrance.
138. Cummings studied it carefully(, looking up from time to time to voice a criticism.
139. From time to time they bestowed little taps on the young men.
140. Joe would initially follow in Goose Chaser, taking the lead from time to time.
141. Test the alarm from time to time until it ceases to sound off.
142. He tossed about in bed and groaning from time to time.
143. Jim frowned from time to time when he caught the inquisitive glance of some strangers.
144. Mary Lamb had to be put away from time to time.
145. What if a man is bur alive from time to time?
146. She drove people hard, and lost her temper from time to time, but everybody knew she was brilliant, committed, and the hardest-working person in our campaign.
147. Since the business computing environment changes from time to time, the separation of logical and physical data modeling will help stabilize the logical models from phase to phase.
148. Craniology, phrenology and eugenics, once-respectable fields of endeavour that are now regarded with a shudder, may shriek from time to time, but few sane people pay attention to them.
149. With China's rising, the encircle side of America's geostrategy towards China appears notable from time to time.
150. Except above, we would report our latest news on product to customers from time to time. To achieve the target 'nip in the bud'.
More similar words: in no time, at no time, sometime, at other times, sometimes, at the same time, time, on time, in time, at a time, at times, lifetime, full-time, at any time, take time, longtime, each time, all the time, by the time, meantime, at one time, every time, at all times, by this time, at the time of, ahead of time, once upon a time, have a good time, for the time being, at that time.